[comp.sys.amiga.misc] new chipset

navas@cory.Berkeley.EDU (David C. Navas) (03/10/91)

In article <cut> raible@cbmvax.commodore.com (Bob Raible - LSI Design) writes:
>Vat do you vant already, good chips or good history? 

Vote one: Good chips.  Now go away until you have 32 chipset ready for us :) :)
	(With inbuild vector graphic support and 24 bitplanes, of course...)

David Navas                                   navas@cory.berkeley.edu
"Saddam was a man who trusted only himself.  Seems like he trusted one man
 too many..." [Also try c186br@holden, c260-ay@ara and c184-ap@torus]

raible@cbmvax.commodore.com (Bob Raible - LSI Design) (03/12/91)

In article <11831@pasteur.Berkeley.EDU> navas@cory.Berkeley.EDU writes:
>In article <cut> raible@cbmvax.commodore.com (Bob Raible - LSI Design) writes:
>>Vat do you vant already, good chips or good history? 
>Vote one: Good chips.  Now go away until you have 32 chipset ready for us :) :)
>	(With inbuild vector graphic support and 24 bitplanes, of course...)
>David Navas                                   navas@cory.berkeley.edu
>"Saddam was a man who trusted only himself.  Seems like he trusted one man
> too many..." [Also try c186br@holden, c260-ay@ara and c184-ap@torus]

That's why I don't respond on this newsgroup very often. However if it appears that 
I can best answer a question or if it's something I feel strongly about I tend to
jump in.