[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Quarterback and AE 1.52MB drive?

andrewsr@u2.rutgers.edu (Rich Andrews) (03/13/91)

Hello All!  (This is really great!  I have put up several specific
requests on several newsgroups and received really informative
answers.  To keep the ball rolling...)

Does the program Quarterback (Hard drive backup program) use the AE
High density drive (all 1.52 megs of it)?

This seems to be a relatively cheap backup method for the budget
conscious.  (HD disks = .75 each, drive $185, and Quarterback $42).

If not, are there any (good) hard drive backup programs that do work
on the AE drive?

  // Rich    | "Like any good philosophical discussion, the conclusion
\X/  Andrews |  is left unresolved."  - B. McLaughlin