[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Good Music Prog for 3000? Looking for sounds,music..

dcoteles@bonnie.ICS.UCI.EDU (03/13/91)

I'm looking for a good PD Music program (i.e. to sequence songs) that
won't guru in Workbench 2.0.  MED 2.10, I believe, gurus so I want to
try NoiseTracker.

BTW, what IS the best Music Prog for Amiga?  I got DMCS, but it's not
that powerful. (I can't get full effect of stereo or multiple instruments
in one measure of music. BLEAGH!)

I also need to find "instruments" to use.  Are they at any ftp sites?

My friend loves to create music, but is limited with DMCS.  I like to play
around with it.......

Personally, I would like to find PD stuff, since the shareware cost is usually
less than a "regular" program and freeware/PD is .....


***************************___*******/ ***********************************
David Cotelessa      |   ,'   \ __  / Member of the glorious pirate ship.*
 AKA "March Itsuka"  |  (      X  \/   __                     _          *
 AKA "RADBOY GO-o-o!"|   `.   (   /)  T  \  T    /TT\    T  ,'  T\       *
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                     | /      X       I__/  I/    II    \I  `._ I    \   *
                     |(      /_)_________________________________________*
                     | \      /Address::    (dcoteles@bonnie.ics.uci.edu)*
                     |  `.__,' If Fails try:: (eaou020@orion.oac.uci.edu)*