[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Educational Pricing info. CDTV info.

es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (03/14/91)

	With things settling down now in West Chester, some facts
are coming to the surface re educational pricing.

	There is now a March price list. This is a final, formal,
freaking finished price list. You no longer need to go through a
lengthy procedure to buy on the program. You go to the dealer,
show them your school ID or some such proof, fill out a simple
form, and pay the dealer via whatever methods they accept, which
include credit cards. The dealer will then deliver to you out of
stock, right then and there. No wait.
	You may buy any product, even without purchasing a CPU.
The only restriction is that only one unit of each type may be
bought per year.
	The pricing mentioned in previous postings was accurate,
except I believe one person made a mistake on the 2500/25-50
price, which is $2,547.
	The Unix pricing is improved. The A3000UX-B is $4,0xx and
the A3000UX-D is $5,1xx. I don't remember the dollars, but the
thousands and hundreds are what's important. 8)

AND SOLD AT WORLD OF AMIGA NYC. That is official. It will be
$995. The A500 Unit is not finished though. It will be available
via educational discount starting in May.

	For institutions interested in buying multiple CDTVs or
PC Laptops, these are the sales offices:

Eastern Regional Sales: 703 709-0200
		   FAX: 703 709-0208

Central Regional Sales: 708 619-5959
		   FAX: 708 619-9383

Western Regional Sales: 213 498-9455
		   FAX: 213 597-0737

	The best way to get info is to send them a fax requesting
pricing in writing. Multiple means more than 1, not 100 or 1000
or some such.

	-- Ethan

	Upon leaving office, Ronald Reagan began renting an
office in the penthouse of the Fox Plaza, the Los Angeles
high-rise used as the location for the terrorist movie "Die