[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga 3000UXB/D in Miami/Orlando at Educational Discount Price ?

alex@proxyon.imp.com (Alex Hoog) (03/11/91)

I have the chance to come to the States for a fourtnight. I will be one week
at Miami an the other one at Orlando. Is there anybody who can tell me a shop
where I could get an Amiga 3000UXB/D at Educational Discount Price ?

Thanx in advance -Alex-

 ___________________          ________________________________________________
|    Alex Hoog      \******///\   |     |     \  /                            |
|    Meierweg 102    \****///  \  |     |_____ \/   VOICE: +41 61 67'41'88    |
| CH-4125 Riehen      \**///----\ |     |      /\   DATA : +41 61 67 53 09    |
|        ------      \\\///      \|_____|_____/  \                            |
|       Schweiz       \\// Amiga forever            UUCP:alex@proxyon.imp.com |                               |

tope@enea.se (Tommy Petersson) (03/11/91)

In article <alex.5071@proxyon.imp.com- alex@proxyon.imp.com (Alex Hoog) writes:
-I have the chance to come to the States for a fourtnight. I will be one week
-at Miami an the other one at Orlando. Is there anybody who can tell me a shop
-where I could get an Amiga 3000UXB/D at Educational Discount Price ?
-Thanx in advance -Alex-

I would ask exactly the same question, if I didn't know it was impossible :-(
I could add a third week in Mexico, but I don't think that would help...

What I WILL ask, however, is about the prices for things I can buy and carry,
or buy mail-order and get sent for a reasonable cost:

How much is 16MB of SCRAM for the 3000? RELIABLE chips, not rock-bottom price.
What's the price of a Fujitsu 1.2 GB drive, from a company that can mail-order
to Europe?

Names of RELIABLE mail-order houses?

Tommy Petersson

JKT100@psuvm.psu.edu (JKT) (03/14/91)

Can you dial 800 numbers from outside the U.S.?  If so, call Commodore
at 800-662-6552 and ask them for the names of dealers in the areas you
will be visiting.  Try to have a postal zip code handy; that is how they
index the locations.  Good luck!

|| Kurt Tappe   (215) 363-9485  || With.   Without.   And who'll       ||
|| 184 W. Valley Hill Rd.       || deny it's what the fighting's       ||
|| Malvern, PA 19355-2214       || all about?    -  Pink Floyd         ||
||  jkt100@psuvm.psu.edu         --------------------------------------||
||  jkt100@psuvm.bitnet  jkt100%psuvm.bitnet@psuvax1  QLink: KurtTappe ||