[comp.sys.amiga.misc] What is a .trax file?

bneal@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Brian Neal) (03/14/91)

	I ftp'ed the file spherical.LZH from ab20, thinking it was
a demo of the game spherical.  I unlharced it, and found the file
spherical.trax.  What kind of file is this, and how can I run it or
untrax it?  Thanks in advance!!


         Brian Neal           ||  ...the bible teaches us that elephants
  bneal@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu  ||  _cannot_ talk (Luke 15:23).
   neal@herky.cs.uiowa.edu    ||      Attributed to Rev. Donald Wildmon
     **  A M I G A  **        ||      in MAD Magazine, April 1991 p. 48