[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PasTeX -- ShowDVI under 2.0

cdsst2@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Charles D Shaffer) (03/13/91)

	I am having trouble getting ShowDVI to run under WB2.0.  I keep
getting a message to the effect of "can't allocate filerequest structure".
I've tried playing around with nofastmem etc. but to no avail.  Everything
seems fine under 1.3.  Anyone have any ideas?  My system is basically
exactly as it was shipped from CBM with the addition of arplib and some
fonts.  I can be reached via email as cdsst2 at unix.cis.pitt.edu.
Thanks in advance...
				David Shaffer

goehler@forwiss.uni-passau.de (David Goehler) (03/14/91)

cdsst2@unix.cis.pitt.edu (Charles D Shaffer) writes:

>	I am having trouble getting ShowDVI to run under WB2.0.  I keep
>getting a message to the effect of "can't allocate filerequest structure".
>I've tried playing around with nofastmem etc. but to no avail.  Everything
>seems fine under 1.3.  Anyone have any ideas?  My system is basically
>exactly as it was shipped from CBM with the addition of arplib and some
>fonts.  I can be reached via email as cdsst2 at unix.cis.pitt.edu.
>Thanks in advance...
>				David Shaffer

Hy David,

normaly, you should have no problems with ShowDVI and Workbench 2.0. I'm working now a half year with an A3000 under 2.0 and ShowDVI. What version do you use?

Perhaps you may have troubles with your memory, because a A3000 with only 2 Megs has few memory. Look for the switches (explanation with 'ShowDVI -?') and
reduce the amount for font and bitmap space. I hope, this will solve your 
				David G"ohler, Passau, Germany

*  David G"ohler                      /~~~\/||   //~~~~              
*  goehler@forwiss.uni-passau.de     /   // ||  //___             
*  goehler@forwiss!unipas.UUCP      /   //  || //              
*  Tel. 08 51 / 4 63 12            /___//   ||//____