[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for someone from Northstar

amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu (Andy Hartman - AmigaMan) (03/16/91)

I'm sorry for posting this, but I desperately need to get in contact with 
someone from Northstar at Notre Dame in South Bend, IN.

If you're accessing from there, PLEASE, PLEASE reply to this.

Again, sorry for the waste of bandwidth, but I know I saw someone on one of
these groups from Northstar.


* Andy Hartman       | I'd deny half of this crap anyway!| "Somedays, you just
* Indiana University |   amhartma@silver.ucs.indiana.edu |  can't get rid of a
*    //	 Amiga Man   |   AMHARTMA@rose.ucs.indiana.edu   |  bomb!" 
*  \X/	 At Large!   |        or just "Hey putz!"        | - Batman (original)