[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Dumb clock question

nj@magnolia.Berkeley.EDU (Narciso Jaramillo) (03/16/91)

Is there a way to get Clock to appear in a certain position on the
screen when started up from Workbench?  The 1.3 manual lists a
`=x,y,w,h' option, but it doesn't seem to work as a ToolType (e.g.
neither `DIGITAL=300,0,100,50' nor `=300,0,100,50' seem to work--I
assume the problem isn't because of the w,h variables, since it should
ignore those anyway if it's coming up as a digital clock).

Maybe I'll go ahead and write a prettier clock program anyway; 2.0
deserves a `new look' analog clock, as opposed to the old-look one
that still seems to be built in...

Please respond by email as no one else probably cares about this.
