(Scott Sutherland) (03/16/91)
Hello all: I recently purchased a copy of HASH's Animation:Apprentice that was on sale. I received version 2.002 and a manual. I have been in contact with Ken Baer of HASH who reads and posts stuff to the net often. Now, I mainly purchased Apprentice so that I could eventually upgrade to Journeyman for the $100 upgrade fee, but for now I'd like to get into the program I have. Ken informs me that revision 3.0 was a MAJOR upgrade with a new, better, more detailed manual. The FINAL revision of Apprentice was 3.2 before they focused all their attention on Journeyman, their new product. Ken tells me that there are probably no more 3.0 manuals available from HASH (I'm going to call Martin HASH to check on this), so I was wondering if it would be LEGAL to obtain a photocopy of the 3.0 manual from someone on the net who has this product. If not, please forgive my inquiry. If so, DOES ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE THE 3.0 MANUAL AND WOULD BE WILLING TO PHOTOCOPY IT FOR ME AND MAIL IT TO ME??? I'll pay S&H and photocopy charges, of course. Also, since there may NOT be any 3.0 or 3.2 copies of Apprentice out there either, is it LEGAL to get an upgraded copy from an Apprentice user? Do I need to get the legal OK from HASH to do this?? I'd appreciate any help I can get. Finally, anyone out there have objects, animations, etc. that they have made with Apprentice that they would be willing to share? Has anyone come across any stuff on the usenet available via ftp or on bulletin boards? As I said, I'll be upgrading soon, but I am moving to Tennessee SOON (in 2 weeks) so I need ALL my cash resources to make all the deposits I will have to make there for phone, apartment, utilities, power, cable, etc.. Thanks all, Scott Sutherland There is a REALLY good chance that I will lose all contact with the net when I move, so this is probably my last two weeks here. I'm sure I'll have a few more postings to make, but I just wanted to say that the net, and the AMIGA groups in particular, have been an INVALUABLE RESOURCE TO ME as I plunged into Amiga-dom, with graphics, animation, titling, and video in particular. I don't know where I'd be now in my Amiga development without all of you. Besides, I've sold and purchased a lot of things here. Where else can you get The Director for $20, and Okimate 20 printer with