[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Yow. Request for info from afar!

smith@aic.nrl.navy.mil (Russ Smith) (03/17/91)

I received the following from Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, I'm
only an intermittent reader of Amiga stuff now that I've left
the AI Center at NRL and don't have the requested info. Could
someone send this person the answers?


Russ Smith
Ur-Guh Complex inc.
--------------------------- Enclosure -----------------------------
>From camo-wizard@ods-host1.army.mil Wed Mar 13 09:25:56 1991
>Return-Path: <camo-wizard@ods-host1.army.mil>
>Date:     Wed, 13 Mar 91 17:16:44 SAT
>From: "Doug Gallarda, XVIII ABN Corps Automation" <camo-wizard@ods-host1.army.mil>
>To: smith%aic.nrl.navy.mil@BRL.MIL
>Subject:  Amiga USENET newsgroups (RETRANS)
>Message-Id:  <9103130916.aa13971@VGR.BRL.MIL>
>Status: R
>My name is Doug Gallarda and I am deployed in Saudi Arabia as part of Operation
>Desert Storm.  I've been here since August 12th and my Amiga has been sitting
>at home collecting dust this whole time.  I just found out that I will be
>stuck here in country another three months.  I am desperate for Amiga news!
>Since my host doesn't get the news directly, I need to Email the moderator of
>the group I'd like to get and ask to be placed on his mailing list so I can
>receive the group in digested form.  Is this correct?
>If so, do you know the internet addresses of the moderators of the 
>comp.sys.amiga/.tech/.hardware newsgroups?
>I don't mean to be a bother, but like I said before: I'm desperate for Amiga
>I found your address in the article you wrote in the comp.sys.amiga.tech intro
>posting.  Since you're also on the MILNET I figured you would be a good person
>to ask...
>Thanks Russ!
>Doug Gallarda
>XVIII Airborne Corps Automation
><camo-wizard@ods-host1.army.mil>        <--  ODS == Operation Desert Storm!
>P.S.:  Amiga 3000's are available in Saudi Arabia for 18,800 Saudi Riyals.
>	That equates to over $5000!  Ouch...