[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PasTeX -- using LaTeX macros

dylan@cs.washington.edu (Dylan McNamee) (03/17/91)

I've just downloaded PasTex1.2a, and am quite impressed!  I was able to
"right out of the box" run tex over the man files, showDVI them, and
create the plain and lplain format files (after editing xxxhyphen.)

I haven't been able to get PasTeX to process any LaTeX files yet.
I've tried all sorts of commands, with the closest to looking correct
being "virtex lplain foo" where my latex file is foo.tex.

Each time I try this, it gives me a LaTeX error: "missing \begin{document}"
even on the standard sample.tex latex file.  Any ideas?  I realize it's
probably an easy thing I'm missing.

On an unrelated note, does anyone know if PasTeX is planning on allowing 
PostScript figure inclusion?  

dylan mcnamee             / "Ten Years After WWIV...there wasn't much to do;
dylan@cs.washington.edu \/all the bowling alleys were wrecked, so I spent most 
                         of my time looking for beer"  from Strange Brew