[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New version of QMouse >1.6

clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) (03/13/91)

	Has QMouse been developed past version 1.6?  I like the program a
lot but it causes some problems with my Janus software suddenly.  Now,
whenever the screen blanks the PC freezes and I need to cold reboot to get
it to run again.  The PCWindow program also leaves behind vagrant screens
that used to contain the data window and never closes them.  When I remove
QMouse, all these problems go away.  MachIII seems a little big, I've
heard that DMouse has problems with cursor sprites (Jr-Comm).  What else
is there that's really good (and small, and fast, and solid)?  Any

 Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000/10--2400 bps--AmigaUUCP 1.03D
 clemon@lemsys.UUCP or lemsys!clemon@xenitec.on.ca  |
 xenitec!lemsys!clemon@watmath.uwaterloo.ca         | Choose your path
 ....!{uunet}!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon         |

taab5@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU (Marc Barrett) (03/17/91)

In article <6769.668822805@lemsys.UUCP>, clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) writes:
>	Has QMouse been developed past version 1.6?  I like the program a
>lot but it causes some problems with my Janus software suddenly.  Now,
>whenever the screen blanks the PC freezes and I need to cold reboot to get
>it to run again.  The PCWindow program also leaves behind vagrant screens
>that used to contain the data window and never closes them.  When I remove
>QMouse, all these problems go away.  MachIII seems a little big, I've
>heard that DMouse has problems with cursor sprites (Jr-Comm).  What else
>is there that's really good (and small, and fast, and solid)?  Any

   Unfortunately, the author or QMouse (Lymon Epp, a person I used to know
personally) sold his computer a couple of years ago and hasn't been seen
since.  Therefore, I am afraid that there will likely never be another
update to QMouse.

   I don't like this either, as QMouse is still my favorite all-purpous
screen-blanker/mouse-blanker/mouse-accelerator/hotkeys-program.  I just
hope someone eventually comes out with a good replacement for this fine
program.  Unfortunately, thus far nobody has.

> Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000/10--2400 bps--AmigaUUCP 1.03D
> clemon@lemsys.UUCP or lemsys!clemon@xenitec.on.ca  |
> xenitec!lemsys!clemon@watmath.uwaterloo.ca         | Choose your path
> ....!{uunet}!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon         |
