[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WANTED: sources for 1Mx4 SCRAM ZIP chips

vrr@cbnewsj.att.com (veenu.r.rashid) (03/17/91)

I am looking for a source of 1Mx4 SCRAM ZIP chips  for my A3000.
I would like to expand to at least 16 meg of FAST RAM, so I would
like to find the cheapest source.  The lowest price I have heard
of is $40/chip or $320 for 4 megs.  The average prices in Amiga
World are $45-$50/chip.  However, I have lost the information on
the place which sells the chips for $40/chip.  Would the individual
who sent the message about the RAM prices please send it to me?
If anyone else has any information on chips at comparable prices
or cheaper, please email to:	vrr@cbnewsj.att.com.  I will
email a reply to all messages which express an interest in these

Thanks very much,
Veenu Rashid
