[comp.sys.amiga.misc] I Challenge CBM to HELP!!!

42adlgx@sacemnet.af.mil (42ADLGX) (03/16/91)

Okay, I am about to throw in the towel and buy a (UGH) IBM system, and it
makes me sick.

I am running an A1000 with a Sidecar and have surmounted SO many problems, but
a few remain.  Most noteably, the problem I am having involves the talking
between the two sides.

When I am running the Amiga side all by itself I have no problem acessing the
Hard Drive on the IBM side as an Amiga drive, but when I run the PC Windows
program, the Amiga side LOCKS UP, and the IBM side gets wierd graphics (ANSI)
characters showing up.

When I reboot the IBM side I get a "E0000h Optional ROM bad Checksum = 44h"
error (or some other checksum number)

What gives?  Are my ROMS bad?

HELP before I buy an IBM!!!


Steve Brady
Grand Forks AFB, ND 58205

Comm:  (701) 747-3105
AV:  362-3105


jpc@fct.unl.pt (Jose Pina Coelho) (03/18/91)

In article <47837@nigel.ee.udel.edu>
	42adlgx@sacemnet.af.mil (42ADLGX) writes:

   Okay, I am about to throw in the towel and buy a (UGH) IBM system, and it
   makes me sick.

Bleahhh ... 

   HELP before I buy an IBM!!!

Sorry, when you reach the point of considering buying an IBM the brain
is gone and you are BEYOND help (or repair :-).

Windows, mostly version 3 is a bit ``agressive'' with tsrs an some
other device drivers, an interrupt in the wrong moment may force a
full program trip, but bug the developers of sidecar, the Amiga has no
good reason to lock up (bad 'sidecar Amiga soft' design).

Jose Pedro T. Pina Coelho   | BITNET/Internet: jpc@fct.unl.pt
Rua Jau N 1, 2 Dto          | UUCP: ...!mcsun!unl!jpc
1300 Lisboa, PORTUGAL       | Home phone: (+351) (1) 640767

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