[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 640 x 256 Workbench?

student@COVAX.CO.IUP.EDU (student) (03/18/91)

     I recently got hold of the MakePAL program, which actually works on my
A500... I bought it last summer, so I'm lucky it came with the fatter
Agnus.  My question: The program effectively increases the vertical
resolution when I'm using most any program, but how can I make use of the
extra pixels?  Intuition windows do not want to extend beyond 200 pixels
in height.  (I do not wish to use interlace...with the colors I like (green
on black), the flicker is too annoying.)  The only use I have for the MakePAL
program is watching European demos the way they were meant to be seen.
(The ones that used to crash under NTSC now work perfectly...and there's
no glitch in any of them.)

Disclaimer: I DID TOO look in TFM!!