[comp.sys.amiga.misc] UUCP HELP!!!!

silk@dorm.rutgers.edu (Silk Merchant) (03/13/91)

We are trying hard to set up an Amiga 2500/30 with UUCP so we can connect with
a Unix through the RS232 port directly, without a modem. The problem is that
after we make the alterations to the startup files we get the following message
on bootup: "EXECUTE: No K directive
            execute failed return code 20"
We have not made any alterations to the files distributed with the program.
Any help anyone out there can give would be really useful. Or if someone could
send us their startup files, we could try to work from them. Thanks much.
c/o silk@dorm.rutgers.edu

dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (03/13/91)

In article <Mar.>, Silk Merchant writes:

> We are trying hard to set up an Amiga 2500/30 with UUCP so we can connect with
> a Unix through the RS232 port directly, without a modem. The problem is that
> after we make the alterations to the startup files we get the following message
> on bootup: "EXECUTE: No K directive
>             execute failed return code 20"
> We have not made any alterations to the files distributed with the program.
> Any help anyone out there can give would be really useful. Or if someone could
> send us their startup files, we could try to work from them. Thanks much.

Have you got T: assigned somewhere? Preferably to RAM:.

Also, if that doesn't fix it, then you could modify the script so
that it has .key junk/s on the first line. That will keep it

David Andrew Clayton. // _l _  _ dac@prolix.pub.uu.oz.au    *or*|I post.I am.
Canberra, Australia.\X/ (_](_l(_ ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!dac@munnari.oz

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (03/16/91)

From article <Mar.>, by silk@dorm.rutgers.edu (Silk Merchant):
> on bootup: "EXECUTE: No K directive
>             execute failed return code 20"

I would guess that you need to include something similar to the following
in your start-sequence (or user-startup)

.BRA {
.KET }

Are you doing redirection anywhere (such as when you fire up cron)?

run <nil: >nil: dcron can cause problems if you don't change your braket
characters, as EXECUTE will try to interpret <nil: > as an argument.
VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.

cpc@czaeap.UUCP (Chris Cebelenski) (03/17/91)

In article <Mar.>, Silk Merchant writes:

> We are trying hard to set up an Amiga 2500/30 with UUCP so we can connect with
> a Unix through the RS232 port directly, without a modem. The problem is that
> after we make the alterations to the startup files we get the following message
> on bootup: "EXECUTE: No K directive
>	      execute failed return code 20"
> We have not made any alterations to the files distributed with the program.
> Any help anyone out there can give would be really useful. Or if someone could
> send us their startup files, we could try to work from them. Thanks much.
> Jonathan
> c/o silk@dorm.rutgers.edu
> #! rnews 1177
> Path: aminet!gdc!portal!fernwood!uunet!cs.utexas.edu!sun-bar

 This sounds a-lot like a problem I've had here!  I have a non-autobooting
 hard-drive (WB1.2 ROMS to be exact) and I have to boot off floppy and then
 transfer to the HD after MOUNTing it...  Now, I ran into this little nasty
 not too long after that.  I'm not sure if it's a bug or just something
 strange, but I cleared it up by passing a "junk" paramter to the execute...
(HD Startup-sequence)
.KEY junk/a
.BRA {
.KET }
SetClock opt load

This seemed to clean it up nicely...
(From df0: s/startup-sequence)
echo "Control-C if DH0: has already spun up..."   <- because drive needs to
failat 11					     spin up...
wait 5
echo "Mounting DH0:, if improperly dismounted this may require mount verification."
mount DH0:
dh0:c/assign t: dh0:t
dh0:c/defdisk dh0:
echo "System INIT..."
execute dh0:s/startup-sequence fart
				Junk parameter

Best O luck!

    Chris Cebelenski        UUCP: portal.com!gdc!aminet!czaeap!cpc
    The Red Mage                : cpc@czaeap.UUCP
                                 // "Amiga - The way REAL people compute"
               Sex, and Drugs, and Rock and Roll-Playing!     (DEVO RULES)
NOTE: Due to brain dead mailers, this message can *NOT* be REPLIED to, to
reach me you MUST send a NEW message.  Sorry!

David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (03/18/91)

[Problems with "EXECUTE: No K directive" deleted]
I can't say for sure, but I had this problem until I threw away
the ARP Execute command, and replaced it with the standard 1.3 Execute.
Everything works well, although I don't use UUCP
- Dave

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
UUCP: ...!herald!weyr!70!David.Plummer
Domain: David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG
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