[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Post V1.5, How good is it REALLY?

tjhayko@THUNDER.LAKEHEADU.CA (03/18/91)

Ok, I've heard all this fuss on the net about POST, so I went out
and  ftped  the  latest version, installed it and got it running.
Now, the question part.  How well does POST work  with  a  decent
laser  printer  or  with  an  HP  Deskjet?   Can  I  expect laser
Postscript quality if I use POST with an HP DeskJet?  This is im-
portant, because I will shortly be buying an new printer, and I'm
trying to decide if I should save a bit  of  money  by  buying  a
DeskJet  and  using POST over using POST with a laser printer, or
buying a Postscript laser printer (this last option is just a bit
too expensive for my liking, the 2nd one is also a bit too expen-
sive, but not so bad).  I'd really like to go with a DeskJet  and
speed isn't really critical, but print quality is.

PS.  Where can I get more fonts for POST?  I've already  got  all
the ones from ab20.larc.nasa.gov .

* Tom Hayko                    * Call The Amiga Showroom *
* tjhayko@thunder.lakeheadu.ca * 807-344-7460 80MB online*
* tjhayko@LAKEHEAD.BITNET      * NOTE: I'm not the sysop *