[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Ispell 3.1ljr problems

jason@cbmami.UUCP (Jason Goldberg) (03/17/91)


	I just got Ispell 3.1ljr (w/ Arexx server mode) off of one of the
comp.amiga.binaries (or was it sources) groups.  Anyway I immediately
replaced my ancient FF141 version of Ispell with this one so that I could
use Arexx to add some nice spelling functions to CED.  With the old
version, I had a macro that would pass a whole CED file to the interactive
mode of Ispell and send the corrected version back.  Well, the new Ispell
seems nice and the ability to write Arexx macros will come in handy, but it
seems to me that the interactive mode is now messed-up.
	With my old version, the interactive one, ran on a custom screen,
now it runs from a CON:, the problem is that you need to hit single key
strokes (I - ignore, etc...), and this new interactive mode doesn't seem to
work right, I tried hitting I + return and that still doesn't work,  I have
to hit "I" twice and it is still a little flakey.


Jason Goldberg				UUCP: ucsd!serene!cbmami!jason
Del Mar, CA				

cs326ag@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (Loren J. Rittle) (03/18/91)

In article <18d6fde0.ARN0f2c@cbmami.UUCP> jason@cbmami.UUCP writes:
>	I just got Ispell 3.1ljr (w/ Arexx server mode) off of one of the
>comp.amiga.binaries (or was it sources) groups.  Anyway I immediately
>replaced my ancient FF141 version of Ispell with this one so that I could
>use Arexx to add some nice spelling functions to CED.  With the old
>version, I had a macro that would pass a whole CED file to the interactive
>mode of Ispell and send the corrected version back.  Well, the new Ispell
>seems nice and the ability to write Arexx macros will come in handy, but it
>seems to me that the interactive mode is now messed-up.

Not messed up, just different (I guess, I have never seen the FF141
version.  I started with Tomas Rokicki's version from BIX).

>	With my old version, the interactive one, ran on a custom screen,
>now it runs from a CON:, 

The version I started from opened a WB window all the time! (never
a custom screen...)  I changed this, so that if you started ISpell
up in a CLI window, it would use that CLI window (OR AUX: connection!).

>the problem is that you need to hit single key
>strokes (I - ignore, etc...), and this new interactive mode doesn't seem to
>work right, I tried hitting I + return and that still doesn't work,  I have
>to hit "I" twice and it is still a little flakey.

Nope, I don't have this problem.  When I hit a single 'i', the
current word gets inserted into [s:].ispell_words like it should.
The only thing I can imagine is that you need ConMan to run ISpell
(I don't think so!).

If you want to mail me with more info, I will be more than happy
to help you resolve the problem.  PS, you may want to try server
mode, it is really nice...  [there were CED macros included with
the package]

>Jason Goldberg				UUCP: ucsd!serene!cbmami!jason

Loren J. Rittle
``NewTek stated that the Toaster  *would*  *not*  be made to directly support
  the Mac, at this point Sculley stormed out of the booth...'' --- A scene at
  the recent MacExpo.  Gee, you wouldn't think that an Apple Exec would be so
  worried about one little Amiga device... Loren J. Rittle  l-rittle@uiuc.edu