[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 3000UX Developper purchases

dlcogswe@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dan Cogswell) (03/19/91)

I seem to remember a while back an offer from Commodore to sell 3000UX
machines to anyone who wanted one for developper's price.  The only
thing they had to do was register as a developper.  Is this policy still
in affect or did I imagine the whole thing?  I spoke to CATS this
morning and they told me I was crazy. 


es1@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Ethan Solomita) (03/19/91)

In article <5446@vela.acs.oakland.edu> dlcogswe@vela.acs.oakland.edu (Dan Cogswell) writes:
>I seem to remember a while back an offer from Commodore to sell 3000UX
>machines to anyone who wanted one for developper's price.  The only
>thing they had to do was register as a developper.  Is this policy still
>in affect or did I imagine the whole thing?  I spoke to CATS this
>morning and they told me I was crazy. 

	CATS used to accept anyone who applied. Now, you have to
give them some good reason to accept you. The Unix machines are
now in the normal categories, there are developers prices,
educational prices and dealer prices.
	-- Ethan

A tourist in New York City was overheard asking a New Yorker,

	"Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the statue of
liberty, or should I go f*ck myself?"