[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Front-screen editor?

niobium@arrakis.nevada.edu (Christopher W. Carlson) (03/13/91)

Quick question:  Does there exist a plain ol' text editor-in-a-window that can
be pushed to whatever screen I want?  I know that Az, from some Fish disk,
claims to be able, but the only menu item that _I_ can find that even hints
at the potential is "Push to Front Screen," which makes little sense, as if
I can get to the menu, the editor is _already_ on the front screen, right?
Any pointers appreciated.

ALSO, while I'm here, I might as well ask:

While I'm saving my pennies for a stamp so I can send off for my VLT manual
from SLAC, can anybody provide me with a list of command-line options for
VLTjr?  Of course, an entire machine-readable manual would be nice, even if
it was paraphrased, but I understand that might be legally impossible.

Thanks for your time...

-=* CWC

   )   _                | | But I like it when that        // | Free        _
|\/ | (_) |B | (_) (\/) * | lightning comes!!! -- The Cure Z7 | Yourself!_ //
-----------------------------------------------------------/--| AMIGA!   \X/
Christopher W. Carlson, Student -- niobium@arrakis.nevada.edu | Be Yourself!

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (03/14/91)

niobium@arrakis.nevada.edu (Christopher W. Carlson) writes:
>Quick question:  Does there exist a plain ol' text editor-in-a-window that can
>be pushed to whatever screen I want?  I know that Az, from some Fish disk,
>claims to be able, but the only menu item that _I_ can find that even hints
>at the potential is "Push to Front Screen," which makes little sense, as if
>I can get to the menu, the editor is _already_ on the front screen, right?
>Any pointers appreciated.

Here's what ya Do..

put the "editor" on WB. (Starts there right?)
pop the Other screen to front, Slide it down halfway, click on the now visible
editor and hit the "Push to Front Screen," menu item. WHAM it
SHOULD jump to the Front screen (The half Screen)

Ya may have preoblems with some screens Not having a Titlebar to Pull down on.
use TBAR to turn o the title bar. (on not o)
Or in 2.0 use ?? ALT click-hold to slide down a screen without needint a
menu bar.. :')

Willis F York   
(Hope THIS sig don't insult anyone!)

rolee@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Profess'nal Agitator) (03/14/91)

In article <yorkw.668906762@stable.ecn.purdue.edu> yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) writes:

>put the "editor" on WB. (Starts there right?)
>pop the Other screen to front, Slide it down halfway, click on the now visible
>editor and hit the "Push to Front Screen," menu item. WHAM it
>SHOULD jump to the Front screen (The half Screen)

>Ya may have preoblems with some screens Not having a Titlebar to Pull down on.
>use TBAR to turn o the title bar. (on not o)

OK, it works that way for screens with title bars, but that still leaves the
problem for screens without titlebars.  So, does anyone know how to pop the
AZ window onto the VLT screen?

Is TBAR a system configuration constant or is it a PD utility?

Thanx in advance,


 "Caltech -- A Division of      rolee@hmcvax.bitnet              //    BITNET
     Harvey Mudd"               rolee@jarthur.claremont.edu     //   InterNet
 -------------- R E M E M B E R   B E I J I N G ------------\\-//------------
 IBM PC - Who wants a politically correct computer?          \X/  Only AMIGA!
 Roderick Lee         "The Professional Agitator"         Harvey Mudd College

yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) (03/14/91)

rolee@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Profess'nal Agitator) writes:

>In article <yorkw.668906762@stable.ecn.purdue.edu> yorkw@stable.ecn.purdue.edu (Willis F York) writes:

>>put the "editor" on WB. (Starts there right?)
>>pop the Other screen to front, Slide it down halfway, click on the now visible
>>editor and hit the "Push to Front Screen," menu item. WHAM it
>>SHOULD jump to the Front screen (The half Screen)

>>Ya may have preoblems with some screens Not having a Titlebar to Pull down on.
>>use TBAR to turn o the title bar. (on not o)

>OK, it works that way for screens with title bars, but that still leaves the
>problem for screens without titlebars.  So, does anyone know how to pop the
>AZ window onto the VLT screen?

>Is TBAR a system configuration constant or is it a PD utility?

>Thanx in advance,

>  #->
TBAR is a little program that (I thought came with VLT..Guess not)
Look on abf...
it's just a little nifty prog.
(I also thing VLT SHOULD have a Menu item to hide/show the titlebar.)

> ============================================================================
> Roderick Lee         "The Professional Agitator"         Harvey Mudd College
Willis F York   
(Hope THIS sig don't insult anyone!)

king@motcid.UUCP (Steven King) (03/19/91)

In article <1991Mar12.190445.10258@nevada.edu> niobium@arrakis.nevada.edu (Christopher W. Carlson) writes:
>Quick question:  Does there exist a plain ol' text editor-in-a-window that can
>be pushed to whatever screen I want?  I know that Az, from some Fish disk,
>claims to be able, but the only menu item that _I_ can find that even hints
>at the potential is "Push to Front Screen," which makes little sense, as if
>I can get to the menu, the editor is _already_ on the front screen, right?
>Any pointers appreciated.

First, get yourself a copy of ConMan, by William Hawes.  It's available
on the ARexx and WShell distribution disks, and I'm 99.8% sure that it's
freely distributable.  (Don't have it in front of me to check.)  ConMan
can open a CLI window on any screen.  Next, find any editor that runs
in a CLI window.  I recommend 'stevie', a 'vi' clone.  Fire up the CLI
on whatever window you please (you may need to use PopCLI or something
similar to do this) and run your editor to your heart's content.

Note that this method requires that you put the CLI on the screen *first*,
then run the editor.  After the CLI is active you can't change the
screen it's on.

American Non-Sequitur Society -- We don't make     |        Steven King
sense, but we do like pizza.                       |     Motorola Cellular
                                                   |   ...uunet!motcid!king