[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Downloading problems !!! Help !!!

mac1@ra.MsState.Edu (Cheema) (03/19/91)

 I wonder if its only me or everybody else is in the
same boat. I have a 1200 baud modem and when I am downloading some long file 
say 400k, it makes me wait for hours(normally 4 to 6 hrs). I have ordered
another 2400 baud modem but I think I still will have to wait for couple of
hours for the file to get downloaded. Is this weird or normal ? I am currently
using Xmodem protocol. Do the terminal programs effect ?

  Also what to do with files that are larger than 880K. i.e : The files that
can't be directed to an 880K floppy drive. (I don't have a hard drive. Uhhh..)
 Any help will be appreciated. Hell alot of thanks in advance.  Cheema