[comp.sys.amiga.misc] fish disks 450's

gt0655b@prism.gatech.EDU (gt0655b gt0655b gt0655b HAARBAUER,ERIC STOWE) (03/18/91)

	Is there an ftp site that has FF disks 456,7,8 yet?  I can't seem to
find one, and I'm itching to get that CManual....


HAARBAUER,ERIC STOWE                 "Consciousness is an accident."
Georgia Institute of Technology, Box 30655, Atlanta, GA  30332
uucp:	  ...!{decvax,hplabs,ncar,purdue,rutgers}!gatech!prism!gt0655b
Internet: gt0655b@prism.gatech.edu

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave Schaumann) (03/18/91)

In article <24549@hydra.gatech.EDU> gt0655b@prism.gatech.EDU (gt0655b gt0655b gt0655b HAARBAUER,ERIC STOWE) writes:
>	Is there an ftp site that has FF disks 456,7,8 yet?  I can't seem to
>find one, and I'm itching to get that CManual....

It used to be that you could send Fred Fish $5/disk, and he would send
you the disk(s) of your choice.  Check out the last announcement, it
should have the details.

And if your not in enough of a hurry to spend $5 to get it... well, maybe
it would be better to be quiet and wait.  Remember the saying "beggars
can't be choosers?"

Dave Schaumann | dave@cs.arizona.edu | Short .sig's rule!

stefanb@messua.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Stefan Becker) (03/19/91)

gt0655b@prism.gatech.EDU (gt0655b gt0655b gt0655b HAARBAUER,ERIC STOWE) writes:
>	Is there an ftp site that has FF disks 456,7,8 yet?  I can't seem to
>find one, and I'm itching to get that CManual....


 ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de [] /pub/amiga/fish

We have Fish 361-460 online.


Mail  : Stefan Becker, Holsteinstrasse 9, D-5100 Aachen  ///    Only
Phone : +49-241-505705   FIDO: 2:242/7.6    Germany     ///  Amiga makes
Domain: stefanb@informatik.rwth-aachen.de           \\\///  it possible..
Bang  : ..mcvax!unido!rwthinf!stefanb                \XX/  -->A3000/25<--