[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Ascii to postscript converter

jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu (03/19/91)

In article <1991Mar18.162109.40384@eagle.wesleyan.edu>, I wrote:
> I have a program which will, in simple terms, convert ascii text to postscript.
> It's not a driver; in fact I wrote it as a print filter on a sun. But I am sure
> it would work very well on an amiga (nothing sun specific about it)... if
> anyone else is interested, I'll compile it amigaside and send it to some FTP
> site somewhere... simply sucks in standart input, converts to postscript, spits
> out standard output. It has a few options with regards to font size and margins
> and spacing (and only uses courier; i.e. does not even hope to deal with
> proportionally spaced fonts). Any takers?

OK, it is now on abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov in /incoming/amiga, called ascii2ps.lzh.
Presently the archive contains source & documentation only. Basically I am a
relatively novice C programmer, and I don't have a real C compiler on the
Amiga, and each of the PD ones wouldn't make it work correctly for different
reasons. (NorthC seems unable to deal with floating point numbers; it always
prints them as "--x" (i.e. 2.14 shows up as --2.14) which is fine, as long as
it deals with them correctly internally.. but tests show it doesn't, i.e.
it doesn't agree that --2 > .25. So essentially with NorthC the program works
fine but none of the command line options work). PDC, on the other hand,
doesn't create a valid 68k assembly language file for it. When I try to link
it has some unknown symbol. I am not in the mood to figure out what it's
talking about, so I will let you all compile it for yourselves. I'll buy
Lattice as soon as I get some lettuce (what a sense of humor! :-)

Anyway, it isn't the greatest code in the world by a long shot, but it works!
Any comments are welcome...

> -- 
> James A. Treworgy    -- No quote here for insurance reasons --
> jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu         jtreworgy@WESLEYAN.BITNET
James A. Treworgy    -- No quote here for insurance reasons --
jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu         jtreworgy@WESLEYAN.BITNET