[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga 3000T

rudy@dorn.ruhr.de (Rudolf Neuhaus) (03/18/91)

Here's some information on the Amiga 3000T that's being introduced on the
CeBit'91 in Hannover since I have not seen any on it yet. It's taken off
Commodore's official paper on it.
Basically it's the same as an 3000(DT), so I will only tell you the
differences between those two machines. There are not many:
5 Zorro3, 4 AT and one Videoslot with the AT- and Videoslots lying 
parallel to the Zorro3-Slots.
3.5" drive with 880 KB and 1,44MB (!?-that's what it says)
place for two more 3.5" and three more 5.25" drives.
Harddrive has 100Mb optional 200Mb or more.
The Power-supply has 280W on the one and 250W on the other sheet - so I
don't know about that. Should be enough though.
Model 25-100 comes with 5Mb, 25MHz and 68882(25), 100Mb Harddrive - nothing
said about faster versions.
The optical impression is nice. I like the case. The mouse looks a kind of
bulky. It's not the standard one, but still only has two buttons.

On a different sheet the 3000UX is introduced - the only difference to the
things said about it in comp.unix.amiga is that the sheet already talks
about an optional A2410 TIGA-Graphics card with the T34010 doing 1024x768 or
1024x1024 with 256 out of 16.7something Million Colors. I got this infor-
mation all by the sheets and have not seen anything yet. But I will on 
P.S. Sorry for my bad English - report any mistakes, please :)
 Rudolf Neuhaus, Kreuzstr. 144 |__o_/  \rudy@dorn.ruhr.de
 4600 Dortmund 1,   Germany    |  \\    international only to:
 Tel. +49-231-103703           |  / \   ckcb01@DDOHRZ11.bitnet, please

kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Kent D. Polk) (03/19/91)

In article <18d7afed.ARN0232@dorn.ruhr.de> rudy@dorn.ruhr.de (Rudolf Neuhaus) writes:
>Here's some information on the Amiga 3000T that's being introduced on the
>CeBit'91 in Hannover since I have not seen any on it yet. 

Does the Video Toaster fit (& work) in it?

Kent Polk: Southwest Research Institute (512) 522-2882
Internet : kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu
UUCP     : $ {cs.utexas.edu, gatech!petro, sun!texsun}!swrinde!kent

daveh@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dave Haynie) (03/20/91)

In article <1944@swrinde.nde.swri.edu> kent@swrinde.nde.swri.edu (Kent D. Polk) writes:
>In article <18d7afed.ARN0232@dorn.ruhr.de> rudy@dorn.ruhr.de (Rudolf Neuhaus) writes:
>>Here's some information on the Amiga 3000T that's being introduced on the
>>CeBit'91 in Hannover since I have not seen any on it yet. 

>Does the Video Toaster fit (& work) in it?

The Video Toaster still has whatever problem it has with ECS Denise, nothing 
you could do about that in the A3000T.  And it still disobeys the video slot
form factor, which actually only makes a difference at the back of the A3000[T]
vide slot.  If you pop in the old Denise, you and a nibbler tool can get that
Video Toaster working like a champ, so I'm told.

In other words, just like the A3000 situation, far as I know.

>Kent Polk: Southwest Research Institute (512) 522-2882

Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Amiga 3000) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
	"What works for me might work for you"	-Jimmy Buffett