[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish files...

pcooper@eecs.wsu.edu (Phil Cooper - CS495) (03/21/91)

   I have a question which seems obvious, but it has not been for me.  
I recently started digging through some very early fish disks and I keep
running into files with .manx and .lattice extensions.  They are not
source (text) files, but rather binary ones.  They are also not object
files.  What are they?  If I try to execute them, I usually get the famous
"unable to load file..." or it just crashes the machine.  Thanks in advance
for any help you may be able to provide.


*   Real Life:   Phillip R. Cooper                                   *
*       Email:   pcooper@yoda.eecs.wsu.edu                           *
*  Disclaimer:   Disclaimer?? I don't need no stinkin' disclaimer!!! *