[comp.sys.amiga.misc] American Amiga 500 in Europe

aozer@next.com (Ali Ozer) (03/20/91)

Any ideas what I need to run an Amiga 500 bought in the US in Europe?
Can I just plug a US 1084S and a US 500 into a 240->120 transformer and have it
all work?  Or do I need anything else (like new chips, etc)? And what
about if I tried to use a US 500 with a monitor bought in Europe? And finally
(I suspect here it gets messy) how about a US 500 with a European TV?

Any suggestions/experiences appreciated; please post or send me mail.

Ali, Ali_Ozer@NeXT.com

jdickson@jato.jpl.nasa.gov (Jeff Dickson) (03/21/91)

In article <403@rosie.NeXT.COM> aozer@next.com (Ali Ozer) writes:
>Any ideas what I need to run an Amiga 500 bought in the US in Europe?
>Can I just plug a US 1084S and a US 500 into a 240->120 transformer and have it
>all work?  Or do I need anything else (like new chips, etc)? And what
>about if I tried to use a US 500 with a monitor bought in Europe? And finally
>(I suspect here it gets messy) how about a US 500 with a European TV?
>Any suggestions/experiences appreciated; please post or send me mail.
>Ali, Ali_Ozer@NeXT.com

	It's no problem to make the Amiga think the line voltage is 220V.
A couple years ago I bought a CItoh 1550 wide carrige printer that wanted
220 volts. I just stepped up the 110 line voltage to 220 with a step up
transformer. I was lucky that it made no difference to the printer that
the line frequency was now 60Hz instead of 50Hz. I don't know if the
Amiga cares, but if it derives timing from the line frequency - the timing
will be off (faster). 


sschaem@starnet.uucp (Stephan Schaem) (03/21/91)

 It will work fine.I done that with a A2000 for a 2 years.
 I'm know using the 'transformer' to use european apliances in
 the US, and to run american apliances when I'm in europe.
 the 'Transfomer' 220->110 110->220  is less then 20$, and
 you can find find it in any good supermarket.