[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga Demo Help

scream@brahms.udel.edu (Darren Amato) (03/21/91)

I am just curious to know if there is any sort of (literature guidance)
available for someone who is interested in programming a demo.  Are
there any PD utility disks that assist in the creation of demos?
I'm talking about real demos, Solid rotating objects, vector drawings
etc... not Director or TurboSilver or Movie demos, not that these aren't
real demos but I am looking more toward the Coding type of demo.


Where can you find out about the ROM calls that the amiga has?

What is a blitter?
What is a copper?   etc... etc...

peterk@cbmger.UUCP (Peter Kittel GERMANY) (03/22/91)

In article <19850@brahms.udel.edu> scream@brahms.udel.edu (Darren Amato) writes:
>I am just curious to know if there is any sort of (literature guidance)
>available for someone who is interested in programming a demo.  Are
>there any PD utility disks that assist in the creation of demos?
>I'm talking about real demos, Solid rotating objects, vector drawings
>etc... not Director or TurboSilver or Movie demos, not that these aren't
>real demos but I am looking more toward the Coding type of demo.

There are many such programs with source in the Fish series PD disks.
They are so numerous, I can't tell you a single one. Just try to get
your hand on the "Aquarium" disks which provide contents files for all
these disks plus a database to search for certain keywords. Perhaps
you find something under "demo" or "3D" etc.

>Where can you find out about the ROM calls that the amiga has?

Argh! There are NO ROM calls! At least you are NOT allowed to call the
Amiga ROM directly! NEVER do this!
Instead you call system functions that all reside in one of the
function libraries. And the mechanism how to open a library and call
any function in them, is explained in every good Amiga book.

>What is a blitter?

A hardware device to copy rectangular areas between different parts
of your screen (or your memory in general), at the same time also
doing bit shifts and logical operations with up to 3 such rectangular
source areas. Plus optional drawing lines or filling areas at high
speed in hardware.

>What is a copper?   etc... etc...

Time to refer you to the official written documentation for the
Amiga that is available from Addison-Wesley and named "Amiga ROM
Kerbel Manual"s, one of them being the Hardware manual which explains
the questions above.

Best regards, Dr. Peter Kittel  // E-Mail to  \\  Only my personal opinions... 
Commodore Frankfurt, Germany  \X/ {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!cbmger!peterk