[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ICD-2080 vs SID

ssteinbe@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Sarah Steinberg) (03/22/91)

	I recently upgraded from a 2090a card and a 40 meg Rodime HD to an
ICD AdSCSI 2080 and a Quantum 105 meg and have noticed the following problem
with SID. Everytime I bring up a directory in the SID selection window almost
all of my hidden protection bits get set. So when I use the flag "Hide hidden
files" I get to see only a few files. I have tried unsetting the hidden bits
using the SID set and protect commands, but as soon as I bring up the directory
the bits get set again to hidden; obviously i cannot use this function of
SID any more; it worked fine with my old 2090a and my 40 meg, allowing me to
obscure all those .info files, but no longer with my new setup.  Whats really 
wierd is that a few files don't get their hidden bits set, and its always the
same few files, varying in number from directory to directory. Aside from
this my setup seems 100 percent , but this ones a hair puller. Any ideas???

	One more quicky. Is there an Amiga board that deals with Toaster?

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