Hello, net people - I have read with interest a message from Bob Fillmore (FILLMORE@EMRCAN.BITNET) about binary files in NETDATA format sent over BITNET, and dated Feb. 3. Basically the problem is that binary files (e.g. .zoo files from ftp sites) in this format, when received from a VAX node with the RECEIVE/BINARY command are stored in a bad format (variable length instead that fixed length etc.) and, when downloaded from the VAX to an Amiga using a communication program, cannot be decoded by ZOO. The suggested solution was a file conversion using the convert/fdl VMS command; BUT, when I tried a couple of days ago from my VAX running VMS 5.4 the suggested procedure, I got a lot of record-too-long like errors and the output file was empty. So I wrote a straightforward program for the VAX C compiler to read my binary files and rewrite them with the same content and the correct attributes; a couple of .zoo files from were translated OK. If anybody has the same problem and is interested in this program, please EMail me and I will send the source. Maurizio Maurizio Loreti Department of Physics, University of Padova Padova, Italy BITNET: LORETI@IPDINFN (also MLO@SLACVM) INTERNET: LORETI@PADOVA.INFN.IT (also MLO@SLACVM.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU)