[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Three

drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) (03/18/91)

Ok, here are my three questions.  First what does a person need to have
hardware-wise, and what needs to be done to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0.  Does
it require an Amiga 3000, 2000 what?

Second, is it possible to assign a logical device name (like fonts:) to
more than one directory.  I know that in VMS this is possible and it would
be very useful in a situation I am working on with my Amiga.  If it is 
possible, what is the syntax?

Third and final dumb question:  Last night I downloaded the bug fix version
5.045 of VLT and VLTjr from ab20.  When I put them in place they refused to
run scripts at startup when I clicked the script icons.  Everything worked
fine with VLT 5.034.  Has anyone esle had this problem, or am I just stupid?
Can anyone tell me how to run a script from an icon under VLT 5.045?




jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (03/20/91)

In article <11280@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>Ok, here are my three questions.  First what does a person need to have
>hardware-wise, and what needs to be done to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0.	Does
>it require an Amiga 3000, 2000 what?

Well, I've heard that it'll work on anything but a 1000.  I keep getting
people telling me you need the 1-meg Agnus, but the more reliable people
I've talked to tell me that isn't true.  I'm still waiting to see if any
official information on that gets posted.

>Second, is it possible to assign a logical device name (like fonts:) to
>more than one directory.  I know that in VMS this is possible and it would
>be very useful in a situation I am working on with my Amiga.  If it is
>possible, what is the syntax?

You can't do that with AmigaDOS, but there's a program called PathAss that
lets you do it.  I got mine from Compuserve; I don't know if it was ever on
a Fish disk or not.  If you can't find it anywhere, I suppose I could mail
it to you.  I really haven't tested it much though.

*  From the disk of:  | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "Speeding through the
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | universe, Thinking is
37 Brook Street       | uunet!cbmvax!amix!vanth!jms  | the best way to travel."
Montgomery, PA 17752  | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    |	  (The Moody Blues)

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) (03/21/91)

drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:

>Ok, here are my three questions.  First what does a person need to have
>hardware-wise, and what needs to be done to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0.  Does
>it require an Amiga 3000, 2000 what?
It requires that CBM release the 2.0 roms for general consumption.
Other than that, 2.0 will run in any amiga, with any versions of the
custom chips. 2.0 roms are twice as big (logically and probably
physically) and may not fit directly into an A500 or an A2000 without
a little daughter board to hold them.

>Second, is it possible to assign a logical device name (like fonts:) to
Yes, under 2.0. "Assign list" I think.

mascot@bnr.ca (Scott Mason) (03/21/91)

In article <1991Mar20.174954.21646@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>>First what does a person need to have
>>hardware-wise to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0. 
>It requires that CBM release the 2.0 roms for general consumption.
>Other than that, 2.0 will run in any amiga, with any versions of the
>custom chips. 2.0 roms are twice as big (logically and probably
>physically) and may not fit directly into an A500 or an A2000 without
>a little daughter board to hold them.

My dealer told me :) that A1000 users will *not* be able to use WB 2.0.
Is this likely:
a. Wrong
b. Because Kickstart 2.x will be distributed only on ROMs.
c. Because the Kickstart daugtherboard doesn't have enough DRAM to hold
   the larger Kickstart 2.x

Thanx, Scott

f90angu@etek.chalmers.se (Andreas Gunnarsson) (03/21/91)

In article <jms.3521@vanth.UUCP> jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) writes:
>In article <11280@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>>Ok, here are my three questions.  First what does a person need to have
>>hardware-wise, and what needs to be done to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0.	Does
>>it require an Amiga 3000, 2000 what?
>Well, I've heard that it'll work on anything but a 1000.  I keep getting
>people telling me you need the 1-meg Agnus, but the more reliable people
>I've talked to tell me that isn't true.  I'm still waiting to see if any
>official information on that gets posted.
I've heard that it'll work on any Amiga (including A1000). There is a program
that will load KickStart2.0 into RAM at address $200000. I really hope this is
true, because I'd like to be able to get KS+WB 2.0 some day.

73 es 88 de SM7TLS          f90angu@fy.chalmers.se          Andreas Gunnarsson

jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) (03/22/91)

mascot@bnr.ca (Scott Mason) writes:

>In article <1991Mar20.174954.21646@msuinfo.cl.msu.edu> jap@convex.cl.msu.edu (Joe Porkka) writes:
>>drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>>>First what does a person need to have
>>>hardware-wise to upgrade to WorkBench 2.0. 
>>a little daughter board to hold them.

>My dealer told me :) that A1000 users will *not* be able to use WB 2.0.
>Is this likely:
>a. Wrong

There are hacks like the KickStart Eliminator, which can presently
be used to put KS 1.2/1.3 ROMS into an A1000
It would be a simple matter to expand the KickStart eliminator to
allow for the larger roms. As to if this will happen (probly) or
not I don't know.

hrmeyer@ucselx.sdsu.edu (meyer h) (03/22/91)

In article <11280@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>Third and final dumb question:  Last night I downloaded the bug fix version
>5.045 of VLT and VLTjr from ab20.  When I put them in place they refused to
>run scripts at startup when I clicked the script icons.  Everything worked
>fine with VLT 5.034.  Has anyone esle had this problem, or am I just stupid?
>Can anyone tell me how to run a script from an icon under VLT 5.045?
I'm in the same boat there - had a set up with VLTjr 5.034 and a one-line 
script to dial the campus modem pool.  Worked fine until I copied VLTjr 
5.045 over it.  I'm not sure how to redirect this to datacomm where it's 
more likely to get Willy's attention, but I'll try typing in stuff in the 

Harry R. Meyer   hrmeyer@ucselx.sdsu.edu

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (03/22/91)

In article <11280@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> drichard@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (David Richards) writes:
>Second, is it possible to assign a logical device name (like fonts:) to
>more than one directory.  I know that in VMS this is possible and it would
>be very useful in a situation I am working on with my Amiga.  If it is 
>possible, what is the syntax?

Assigning a logical directory to a path list of real directories is
not supported under "vanilla" AmigaDOS.  *HOWEVER*  If you buy a copy
of WSHELL (from William Hawes, the creator of ConMan and ARexx),
included on the disk is something called PathMan.  It allows you to
create named paths for just about anything.  With PathMan, you
could do something like

FILENOTE PATH:Sys:Fonts,JRComm:JRFonts,Foo:Bar/NewFonts "FontPath"
(that should assign the note FontPath to a "file" actually a path
managed by PathMan containing the Path:... stuff.  PathMan "inverts"
the file note, so that FontPath becomes the name of the path).

(this will assign Fonts: to the path.  Whenever something refers to 
FONTS:, AmigaDOS will direct it to PathMan, which will search the
directories listed in the path definition).

(this will display all of the currently defined paths)

And whenever something searched Fonts:, PathMan would search all of
the volumes and directories listed (twice: the first time it would
search only the ones that were mounted, and suppress requestors.  If
the file was still not found, then it would search again, this time
putting up requestors for any volumes which were not mounted.

If you are using Arexx, take a look at WShell.  If you are not using
Arexx, then think seriously about getting both.


PS: I just got WShell in the mail the other day, and so I haven't
tried this yet, but it is all in the manual ...