[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ARP help needed - repost from comp.sys.amiga.programmer

robtu@itx.isc.com (Rob Tulloh) (03/22/91)

I tried this over in comp.sys.amiga.programmer and got no takers. Anybody
over here that doesn't read/get that group have any clues? Help!

For those of you who have seen this already, apologies, but I would
really like to get this figured out!!!

On a lighter note, I think I have figured out how to stop get two copies
of my .sig in my posts (changing news readers can be a challenge :-)


The machine:  Amiga 500
			  3 MB ram
			  2 hard disks
			  Workbench 1.3 (rev 34.28)
The compiler: GNU gcc from abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov (I got PDC to exhibit
			  the same behavior)
The linker  : good ole blink
The library : arp.lib created from running Bind on arp_lib.fd distributed
			  with ARP V39.

And now the problem!!!

I have encountered a problem that I need help with. I pulled the popen.lzh
archive from abcfd20.larc.nasa.gov and tried to compile and run it on
my system. In order to use it, I had to be able to access the ASyncRun()
subroutine in the ARP library. I pulled the ARP library sources from the
net and used the Bind program to convert arp_lib.fd into a library suitable
for linking with (the Bind program is something that came with the PDC
release I was using before I got gcc). The library seemed to build just
fine (I used a68k and zlib to build it) and gcc links with it just fine.

Now, the problem. I am able to run the test program that comes with the
popen source code, and in the case that I read pipes - no problem. Writing
to a pipe causes a [0]+00003 guru message every time. I sent e-mail to the
author and got some hints on things to try (thanks Rick!), but nothing
seems to work. I tried changing the pipe: device to be the ip: device
since I heard there were problems with the native pipe:. I tried recompiling
the code using PDC and get the same result. I am running WB 1.3 (v. 34.28)
and I have 3 megs of memory installed (so I don't think it is a memory
problem). I saw the thread posted about possible problems with ARP and
was wondering if my problem is perhaps related to this. Anyone else
out there tried to use these routines? Am I having ARP problems? 


Update! I have determined that specifying pcb_Output in the PCB struct
can make a difference. The docs indicate that not setting this field
will force ASyncRun() to inherit the current CLI's window for output.
Not so (or so it seems)! I tried setting the handle to something known
like Open("ram:foo",MODE_NEWFILE) and it works like a champ. This also
works when you Open() things like NIL: and pipe:foo too. Now, if I
hand it the result of Output() explicitly, it still bombs. I tried
pulling the pr_COS handle from the Task struct and it bombs, I dug one of
the output handles from the cli struct and it bombs. I tried to open
the current window again - Open("*",mumble mode) - and it still bombs!!!

Also, if I set the pcb_Control flag to PRF_STDIO, ASyncRun will open
a second window and then hang both the current window and the new window.
Not the same as the guru, but equally useless since I still have to
reboot the machine.

I am perplexed as to why I can't write to standard output. Buffering
the output or throwing it away is not as desirable as seeing it first
hand. Has anyone else running an A500 and WB1.3 seen this behavior?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Rob Tulloh
INTERACTIVE Systems Corp.         Tel: (512) 343 0376 Ext. 116
9442 Capital of Texas Hwy. North  Fax: (512) 343 0376 Ext. 161 (not a typo!)
Arboretum Plaza One, Suite 700    Net: robtu@itx.isc.com (polled daily)
Austin, Texas 78759               GEnie: R.TULLOH (polled monthly)