[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A Tower For The 500?

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (02/17/91)

   The Bodega Bay is surely a nice system, but I've got my heart set on some
type of tower to place my 500 in. It would consist of:
o Very cool looking tower type case, but not too tall.
o Detached keyboard.
o 3 or more 2000 series card slots.
o A 2000 series video slot.
o A 2000 series CPU slot, or at least compatibility with Amiga 500 CPU cards
  that went inside the Amiga 500's old case.
o Compatibility with the A501-type RAM cards and such that went inside the
  A500's old case.
o 2 5 1/4" Drive Bays - Easily uses 3.5" drives, too.
o An Internal Hard Drive Mounting Spot (besides the drive bays), or the room
  for hard drives to go on hard cards.
o Good quality power supply and fan.
o Price tag of around $300.
 Considering that the Bodega Bay is selling for about that price, and taking
into account that this thing needs really nothing more than the Bodega Bay
had (except for the detached keyboard), I think they could sell it for almost
what Bodega Bay goes for. The 500's motherboard would be mounted standing on
end, because of the tower's dimensions. IE:
 I       I
 I       I
 I   ___ I
 I   ___ I  <----Two drive bays.
    I Keyboard  I
 Hey, I'm no artist. Anyway, anybody else out there want one of these?

       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?! The same can be said of the IBM and
 __/// Atari computers, and I can run those in a window. IBM's greatest sales 
 \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part. Only the Amiga! DEVO Anyone?

David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (02/21/91)

(About a tower conversion unit...)
Keep in mind that a keyboard (good one) runs another 50 to 100 bucks, 
and that tower case and power supply (good one) runs around 200 bucks 
with a power supply.  So there you have 300 wholesale already?  How do 
you expect them to give you slots, CPU/Video slots, and everything else?
It's like the old "Commodore should sell 040 cards for $75, then I'd buy 
one" saga.

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
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David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (03/03/91)

 TH>  If you'd paid attention to what I said, I said that this tower case 
Well, I did pay attention.  What you said was that you wanted everything 
the Bodega Bay offered plus some extra features, a tower case, and a 
lower price (or the same at least).
More for less, more for free, can't be done, won't be done.

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
UUCP: ...!herald!weyr!70!David.Plummer
Domain: David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG
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David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG (David Plummer) (03/03/91)

Hmmm... lets see.  You said that a tower case can be purchased for a LOT 
less than $200.  We'll just pull out the old wholesaler catalog here:
Ok, take off the power supply and you save some more.  I don't know how
to get one for your $20 figure without a long overcoat.
As for a keyboard, you $40 for the Amiga sounds a little optimistic.  
Northgate makes (as far as I know) the only non-Commodore Amiga 
replacement keyboard, and it sells for the same price as their OmniKey 
Ultra, which is definately more than $40.  Someone said you don't even 
need a keyboard, just a case for your old one and a cable.  Given that I 
don't think half inch plywood looks very classy, do you know who mass 
produces keyboard cases for A500 keyboards?  I doubt anyone does.  I 
KNOW that noone does.
You also say that someone will build you a cable for two bucks. 
Intersting.  Had many people jump at the offer yet?
You could also build a Corvette for about $75 worth of steel and $50 
worth of plastic.  But I'm trying to stay realistic.  So far about 5
people have come forward saying they could put a 500 in a tower case, 
mass produce the conversion, and stay under $200.  Some even want to add 
video and processor slots.  Anyone care to have their first customer?  
There's a lot of chatter here, but no realism.

David Plummer - via FidoNet node 1:140/22
UUCP: ...!herald!weyr!70!David.Plummer
Domain: David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG
Standard Disclaimers Apply...

patrick_meloy@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca (Patrick Meloy) (03/06/91)

David Plummer writes:
[Masses of stuff deleted all over the place]
>Hmmm... lets see.  You said that a tower case can be purchased for a LOT 
>less than $200.  We'll just pull out the old wholesaler catalog here:

Yes, I had a bit of a chuckle over that one as well :)
>As for a keyboard, you $40 for the Amiga sounds a little optimistic.  

$40? Yes, extreeeeeeeeeeemly low. In CDN funds your talking a minimum of $70
for a El-Cheapo non 101 IBM keyboard, never mind an Amiga one.

>You also say that someone will build you a cable for two bucks. 
>Intersting.  Had many people jump at the offer yet?

If someone does know a place that makes cables for two bucks, TELL ME!! I
could make a killing selling custom cables. Walk up to any technician in any
business and say 'make cable'. You've got a minimum of 1/2 hour labour along
with parts costs. Most places will charge 1 hour because they are such a pain
to make. 6ft of regular everyday single shielded cable will be a minumum of
$5, Hoods of the proper type will be say $4 apiece. We're now up in the range
of $50-$70.

(I am talking CDN funds here of course)

| patrick_meloy@outbound.wimsey.bc.ca |
| 'The Outbound' BBS Vancouver BC     |

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (03/24/91)

David.Plummer@f70.n140.z1.FIDONET.ORG writes:
 TH>  If you'd paid attention to what I said, I said that this tower case 
>Well, I did pay attention.  What you said was that you wanted everything 
>the Bodega Bay offered plus some extra features, a tower case, and a 
>lower price (or the same at least).
>More for less, more for free, can't be done, won't be done.
 I said I wanted at least everything the Bodega Bay has, with maybe a video
port. Nothing more. The Bodega Bay has a case. This will have the same, only
on end. Never said a lower price. I said the same price, give or take $30 or
so (read into this price for the keyboard CASE). Same for same my friend, only
it's standing on end.

 Offering the same thing the Bodega Bay has in a tower (Note that we don't
have two cases now, we have ooooneee ooooon eeeeend), with a plastic CASE
for the 500's detached keyboard, and MAYBE a video port (if costs permit) for
AROUND the same price as the Bodega Bay is not "more for less". I never said
it should cost less than the Bodega Bay. Somehow you've distorted my original
message to make it sound like I want a miracle (Don't confuse me with the
other people you've been arguing with..I wrote the original message). For the
sake of clarity, I'll re-write a short description of that message:

 I said the Bodega Bay is one nice looking system, but I'd much rather have
it in tower form. The 500's keyboard gets detached and the 500's motherboard
goes inside the tower (standing on it's end inside it). The 500's internal
RAM cards and CPU cards (that go in the RAM slot or on the motherboard) can
still be installed on it. This eliminates the need for a CPU port like the
2000 has. The ONLY added feature I'd like to MAYBE see (If cost permits) is
a video port. Now, that doesn't sound like too tall an order to me. It's a
Bodega Bay on end with a little extra plastic here and there..Oh, and a cord
for the keyboard. I hardly doubt that would add more than $30 to the price
tag..which I stated in the original message. Read before you leap...


       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?! The same can be said of the IBM and
 __/// Atari computers, and I can run those in a window. IBM's greatest sales 
 \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part. Only the Amiga! DEVO Anyone?