[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Easy Money

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (03/22/91)

Bill Tway <tway@mwk.uucp> writes:

> Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 60 days you
> will have received well over $50,000.00 cash, all yours.
> This program has remained successful because of the honesty
> and integrety of the participants.  Please continue its
> success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
>   2)  Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list.
>       Move the other 9 names up ...
>   3)  Post the new letter with your name in the number 10
>       position into 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards ...  
Let's see, 9 iterations to get to the top of the list, each spreading 
the list to 10 new bulletin boards = 10 to the 9th power.

I make that a total of 1,000,000,000 BBSs required to get your name to 
the top.  That's:

                       1  B I L L I O N !!!

If you REALLY believe that this is a legitimate method of making money 
and is NOT a pryamid "get-rich" scheme, then I'd like to make you a real 
good deal on a bridge I need to sell in New York City! 

   --- Cal

rmk@rmkhome.UUCP (Rick Kelly) (03/24/91)

In article <48441@nigel.ee.udel.edu> jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) writes:
>Bill Tway <tway@mwk.uucp> writes:
>> Follow these instructions EXACTLY, and in 20 to 60 days you
>> will have received well over $50,000.00 cash, all yours.
>> This program has remained successful because of the honesty
>> and integrety of the participants.  Please continue its
>> success by carefully adhering to the instructions.
>>   2)  Remove the name that appears number 1 on the list.
>>       Move the other 9 names up ...
>>   3)  Post the new letter with your name in the number 10
>>       position into 10 (Ten) separate bulletin boards ...  
>Let's see, 9 iterations to get to the top of the list, each spreading 
>the list to 10 new bulletin boards = 10 to the 9th power.
>I make that a total of 1,000,000,000 BBSs required to get your name to 
>the top.  That's:
>                       1  B I L L I O N !!!
>If you REALLY believe that this is a legitimate method of making money 
>and is NOT a pryamid "get-rich" scheme, then I'd like to make you a real 
>good deal on a bridge I need to sell in New York City! 

And it's also illegal as hell.

Rick Kelly	rmk@rmkhome.UUCP	frog!rmkhome!rmk	rmk@frog.UUCP