[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Where did ToolManager1_3 go?

vfg2@phx.mcd.mot.com (Dan Quella) (03/26/91)

I should have done this before the original article expired
at my site; please forgive any ambiguities...

A couple weeks ago, a program called ToolManager1_3 was announced
here, and said to be available in the US at ab20.larc.nasa.gov.
The path given was incorrect, though, but I did manage to find 
it listed in a recent DIR of /incoming/amiga that I had saved.
But when I tried to FTP-by-mail it, it had disappeared. A later
DIR of /incoming/amiga confirmed this. Does anyone know if it
was removed or just moved to a different directory? It isn't too
practical to do much digging through the directory structure via
mail, especially if the program is gone entirely!

It sounds like a very useful program, and I'd appreciate any help
relocating it!

Thanks much,
Dan Quella

tadguy@abcfd01.larc.nasa.gov (Tad Guy) (03/26/91)

In article <14757@mcdphx.phx.mcd.mot.com> vfg2@phx.mcd.mot.com (Dan Quella) writes:
> A couple weeks ago, a program called ToolManager1_3 was announced
> here, and said to be available in the US at ab20.larc.nasa.gov.
> The path given was incorrect, though, but I did manage to find 
> it listed in a recent DIR of /incoming/amiga that I had saved.
> But when I tried to FTP-by-mail it, it had disappeared. A later
> DIR of /incoming/amiga confirmed this. Does anyone know if it
> was removed or just moved to a different directory? 

It was posted to comp.sources.amiga, and should be available from your
favorite c.s.a archive site (like ab20.larc.nasa.gov, ftp.uu.net, and
wuarchive.wustl.edu).  When stuff from /incoming/amiga is posted, the
copy in /incoming/amiga is removed since it's available elsewhere in
the archives...

> It isn't too practical to do much digging through the directory
> structure via mail, especially if the program is gone entirely!

True, but getting /FILES.Z (the list of all files on ab20) can help
reduce this digging effort.
