[comp.sys.amiga.misc] C128D System for sale

davidm@sugar.hackercorp.com (David Martin) (03/26/91)

  Slightly used C128D computer w/ RGB/composite color monitor
  peripherals, books, software, accessories and misc. The computer
  features a 1571 disk drive. This system was well cared for and
  works fine it is not heavily used. The present owner (me) is
  a world famous (ok so I think so) author (who really is modest)
  that once used the system to write some pretty interesting C64/128
  articles and programs (hey even games!) while the owner is not
  old he is getting on and would like to retire from the 8 bit
  world. This computer is looking for a new friend and it's all
  your's for the small sum of $500.00. Cash or gold bricks will
  be fine.
  If your interested please Leave Email with your name and
  phone #. The owners secretary will call you right back
  with details on how you can reach the owner. He's busy
  helping Donald Trump install Amiga's for the Taj Mah Halls
  (sp?) lighting system....
  ...it sorta helps when you can multitask and turn on all
  the lights at once....
(This message is being posted to Comp.sys.cbm and comp.sys.amiga
for everyone to see) If you wish you can contact the author
of this for sale message voice at 713/488-3327 central time
zone 10 am to 9 pm.

David W. Martin c/o The OpCode Factory tm Seabrook, Texas, USA
Commodore might make the Amiga, but the Amiga makes it possible!
PLINK: DAVIDM CIS: 72510,3232 UUCP: davidm@sugar.hackercorp.com