[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WShell 1.2 - help!

vansickl@bnr.ca (Greg VanSickle 1561848) (03/27/91)

I'm trying to update to version 1.2 of WShell.

It 'fails with return code 22'

Anyone know what that means ?


Geg VanSickle                                Silicon Support
Bell Northern Research                       phone: 613-763-5160                            
PO Box 3500                                  ESN: 393-5160
Nepean, Ontario, Canada                      
K2H 8V4                                      cocos: Greg Van Sickle
                                             email: vansickl@bnr.ca
Vancouver van cu' ver  n.   where we should all be, as opposed to
                            where I am  