[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 3000 software compatability info wanted

emmonsl@athena.ecs.csus.edu (L. Scott Emmons) (03/24/91)

I've been wanting to purchase an Amiga-3000, but my dealer here tells me only
about 60% of software runs on it, even under 1.3.  Anyone have a list 
of software which will run on the 3000?  Including games and useful software
as well.

I'm planning on the 3000-UXb package, if clock speed makes a difference as far
as compatabilities go.

Also, anyone know if the X-Windows on the UNIX side runs in Hi-res?  What
about open-look?  Is the open-look in color, or b&w like the X-Windows?

Thanks for the info...

			L. Scott Emmons
	emmons@csus.csus.edu  <or>  ...[ucbvax]!ucdavis!csus!emmons
		Packet: kc6nfp@kg6xx.#nocal.ca.usa.na

robin@vipunen.hut.fi (Jarto 'Robin' Tarpio) (03/24/91)

In article <1991Mar24.001929.10356@csusac.csus.edu> emmonsl@athena.ecs.csus.edu (L. Scott Emmons) writes:
   I've been wanting to purchase an Amiga-3000, but my dealer here tells me only
   about 60% of software runs on it, even under 1.3.  Anyone have a list 
   of software which will run on the 3000?  Including games and useful software
   as well.

	If a program breaks on an A3000 using KS1.3, it breaks under all
	the acceleretor cards on the market and it's not worth using.

	I don't use KS1.3 in my A3000 any more. I didn't install the 1.3-
	partition on my new 210M Quantum. There is quite few programs
	that break in my Amiga. Usually those that don't work I wouldn't
	use anyway.

	I guess it would be easier to write a list of the software that
	doesn't run in A3000. But the lists would be a disaster to WB2.0.
	Why ? If someone who does have old ROMs write that list, there
	will be a lot of software, that does run on the new ROMs. Commodore
	has done a lot to improve compatibility lately.

Jarto Tarpio	robin@vipunen.hut.fi	StarSoft Ky

navas@cory.Berkeley.EDU (David C. Navas) (03/27/91)

In article <1991Mar24.001929.10356@csusac.csus.edu> emmonsl@athena.ecs.csus.edu (L. Scott Emmons) writes:
>Is the open-look in color, or b&w like the X-Windows?

Umm...  OpenLook (olwm) is a window manager that runs "under" the X-Server.
So that pretty much clears it up :)

I thought, though, that they released the A2410?  In which case I
would hope that X-Windows is about to be upgraded, as it would be the beast
using the thing...

David Navas                                   navas@cory.berkeley.edu
	2.0 :: "You can't have your cake and eat it too."
Also try c186br@holden, c260-ay@ara and c184-ap@torus

mwm@pa.dec.com (Mike (My Watch Has Windows) Meyer) (03/28/91)

In article <ROBIN.91Mar24153228@vipunen.hut.fi> robin@vipunen.hut.fi (Jarto 'Robin' Tarpio) writes:

   In article <1991Mar24.001929.10356@csusac.csus.edu> emmonsl@athena.ecs.csus.edu (L. Scott Emmons) writes:
      I've been wanting to purchase an Amiga-3000, but my dealer here tells me
      only about 60% of software runs on it, even under 1.3.  Anyone have a
      list of software which will run on the 3000?  Including games and useful
      software as well.

Depends on what software you look at. If you include _all_ software,
the 60% figure is probably about right. If you restrict yourself to
productivity software, then I'd say it's better than 90%. Making sure
you've got the latest rev of the software helps (I've gotten free
upgrades to a number of packages to bring them up to snuff for 2.0).

	   If a program breaks on an A3000 using KS1.3, it breaks under all
	   the acceleretor cards on the market and it's not worth using.

Not quite true. The A3000 uses memory at addresses above $ffffff,
meaning that software that depends on the high byte of an address
being zero will break. Not all accellerators have memory there.

	   I don't use KS1.3 in my A3000 any more. I didn't install the 1.3-
	   partition on my new 210M Quantum. There is quite few programs
	   that break in my Amiga. Usually those that don't work I wouldn't
	   use anyway.

Ditto - I decided I had better uses for the space in the 1.3
partition, and used it.

[Our regularly scheduled .signature preempted.]		Mike Meyer
The Amiga 1000: Let's build _the_ hackers machine.	mwm@pa.dec.com
The Amiga 500: Let's build one as cheaply as possible!	decwrl!mwm
The Amiga 2000: Let's build one inside an IBM PC!