[comp.sys.amiga.misc] When to u/g A500 power supply?

LASKEY@svax05.pcr.co.uk (03/28/91)

Hello everybody,

I wonder if someone can give me a few guidelines on when/if I need to upgrade
the power supply on my U.K. KS1.3 PAL Amiga 500.

I have the following devices attached:

Printer, DigiView, DigiDroid, A590 (own supply) + 2 megs of RAM, external 3="
drive, 512K expansion inside the amiga (Commodore's own A501), and soon to get 
the A5000 68020 CPU & 68881 co-processor.

Basically, how much extra should it be able to take???

Thanks for your information,

Mike Laskey                      \||/              Mystic Mage
Contact address:                  ||              of Alteration
UUCP                              ||     "Down with your Necromancy, I'll
LASKEY@UK.CO.PCR.SVAX05		 /||\      see you in the Astral plane!"
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