[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need help with ATonce IBM/AT emulator with XETEC SCSI

grimkirk@amiganet.chi.il.us (Mike Schneider) (03/28/91)

Looking for ANYONE who has dealt with the ATonce emulator in conjunction with
the XETEC SCSI HD controller. My ATonce will not boot at all with the
controller in place. If I remove the controller from the expansion port (A500)
the ATonce boots fine but then I lose the 4MB of RAM on the controller card.
XETEC suggests that since I have a model of the controller with the serial
number 0006 (EARLY!!!) that the subsequent upgrades to the ROMS may have
something to do with it, but of course they cannot be expected to support
someone elses product and ATonce is manufactured and marketed out of Germany.


Any info, suggestions, (even humor at this point) will be appreciated...

Current config:
        A500 w/A510 512K w/Clock
        XETEC FastTrak SCSI controller w/FASTRAM expansion w/4 x 1MB SIMMS
        1 49MB Seagate ST157n-1 HD
        1 105MB Quantum HD
        1 External 3.5" FD
        1 SupraModem (2400)
        1 HP LaserJet II

        Notes: Motherboard Rev. 6A w/FACTORY INSTALLED FAT AGNUS (enabled)

Thanks in advance.

Mike Schneider
Chicago, IL
(Signature under construction)
[I know, I know, poor excuse....]