[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fish on CD-ROM

rjtatz@hpuxa.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert J. Tatz) (03/28/91)

I need some information for a friend of mine who is an official
CBM developer.  Does anyone know if the XETEC Fred Fish Library
on CD-ROM can be read by any other players, like CDTV maybe?
Also, he is trying to get in touch with Reichart Von Wolfshield
whose company worked on Disney Animation Studio and some CDTV
software - any suggestions?

On an unrelated topic, OSU is outfitting four lecture halls with
an overhead projector TV and of course a PS/2 and Mac II for
class demos.  Sigh.

Thanks for any info,
Bob          rjtatz@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu
-> AMIGA (n.) - The BETAMAX of personal computers.

hill@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Adam Hill) (03/29/91)

In article <1991Mar27.200141.11331@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> rjtatz@hpuxa.acs.ohio-state.edu (Robert J. Tatz) writes:
>I need some information for a friend of mine who is an official
>CBM developer.  Does anyone know if the XETEC Fred Fish Library
>on CD-ROM can be read by any other players, like CDTV maybe?

     CDTV will read ISO9660 and High Sierra format disks. Wee have
booted CDTV under Amiga DOS and run Diskmaster to access the files
(Since CDTV does not come with a keyboard.) Anyone know of a program
that displays a keyboard and redirects the output to a CLI shell for

     Next stop..... PARNET!!!

>Bob          rjtatz@hpuxa.ircc.ohio-state.edu

 adam hill --  hill@evax.uta.edu        ASOCC - University of Texas at UTA
     I programmed for three days          Make Up Your Own Mind.. AMIGA!
     And heard no human voices.              Amiga... Multimedia NOW!  
     But the hard disk sang. - TZoP              Born To Run SVR4