[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Vista Professional

"PETER C. FREY" <PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu> (03/27/91)

Does anyone know anything about the Vista Pro 3 meg?  More info would be
                                                        - Peter C. Frey

keith@actrix.gen.nz (Keith Stewart) (03/29/91)

In article <48956@nigel.ee.udel.edu> "PETER C. FREY"
<PFREY%drew.bitnet@pucc.princeton.edu> writes:
> Does anyone know anything about the Vista Pro 3 meg?  More info would
> appreciated.
>                                                         - Peter C.
Here is some info from the manual I got with my version
Features from the manual
Load -----IFF files regardless of resolution
          IFF 24 bit files regardless of resolution Not >768 wide or
              > 484 pixels tall Draws to screen at selected display
Save     as IFF--- saves an image that has been rendered an IFF file
                    as IFF using current settings of display menu
         as IFF 24---- saves rendered image in 24 bitformat with hi-res,
          interlace and overscan
         as IFF 24 Full --- saves image as 768x484 24 bit file 
Save     as RGB--  saves rendered images in the Sculpt-Animate 4D
            Only 746x484 pixel files
Load    loads a Vista DEM landscape file or Vista colour map
Save   as Vista DEM--- saves a randomly generated fractal landscapeas a
         DEM landscape
       as Turbo silver ----save the current landscape as a Turbo silver
         object file (much memory required !!!!)
        as Colour Map---- save current pallette settings
        as Extended DEM ----save all current settings with DEM file
Print   export rendering to printer
SCRIPT MENU --- allows creation of multiple unattended views of a
Create      make a new script
Open        retrieve a previously created file or appending new frames
Add         Add cuurent camera and target positions to script
Execute     invoke current script
IFF         produces an IFF file in selected display format for each
IFF 24      produces 24 bit IFF file then spawns execute to execute an 
            AmigaDos script which you can do what ever i.e frame buff
RGB         produces 24 bit RGB files as used by Mimetics frame buffer
            then spawns the execute programmme
VANIM       VistaPro DOES NOT directly support standard Anim 5 You have
            to convert Vistapros IFF files into Anim file BUT thereis
            support for our own proprietary animation format VANIM
            VANIM anmimations are only limited by available disk space
            """"""""""""""""  each frame has own colour palatte
                             play backwards, stepped etc
            2x as large as a regular Anim file
            Playback can be slow with large frame sizes
Low Res     sets image to 320 across 32 colors
Hi Res      sets width to 640 across 16 colors  
HAM         sets to ham 320 pixels wide 4096 colours
Interlace   sets to interlace with either of previous selection
Overscan    sets to overscan with either ofprevious selections
Palette     selects color control panel
CONTROL PANEL------ control panel on left of screen Buttons and gadgets
                to enter values in
Target      represent point at which you are aimimg camera. Selected by
            mouse or by entering values in gadgets
Camera      representslocation of hypothetical camera used to take
            picture . Selected by mouse or entering values in gadget
Locking     can lock any of the x y z directions to constrain target
            or camera
dR          displays distance in meters between camera abd Target
dX          displays difference between Camera and Target X dimension
 dY          displays difference between Camera and Target Y dimension
dZ          displays difference between Camera and Target Z dimension
Bank        controls rotational angle of camera
Head        describes the rotational angle of camera on Z axis
Pitch       rotational angle of camera around wing axis
Sea         setting the level of the sea on the rendered scene Usually 0
            Can be set any level ie can sink landscapes into sea
Tree        to set the timber line AI coding allows for cliffs etc. 
            In version 1.02 ( I just got it today) the NTSC version
            clicking button generates trees in the landscape
Snow        sets the lowest elevation in meters where Vistapro will 
            cover landscapewith snow
Haze        imitate atmospheric occlusion
Lake        add lakes to landscapes
River       add rivers to landscapes
Smooth      erodes landscape generated
Waves       generates waves in sea
Shadow      take light source in account when rendering
Stars       generates stars in night sky
Poly        select polygon size generated. large = rough
Dithr       sets fuzziness between color bands
Rough       sets apparent roughness of landscape
Scale       verticaly rescale landscape
Lens        select type of camera lens
Blend       reduce coarse texture of distant parts of landscape
GShade      produces smooth-looking landscapes
PDthr       dithering at pixel level
Random        generate vast number of artifical landscapes
Frctlz        factalise existing landscapes
Island        looks like islands in space
NSEW        select position of light source
Azimth      set direction in degrees
Declin      set anglein sky of light source
These are just some of the features in VISATPRO.  the NTSC version
 3 meg and the PAL version 3.5 meg to me It works OK on a unaccelerated
 machine but shines on a faster one expecially with maths co-processor
 which there is a Vistapro version in the disk especially for.
This is a great product at a ridiculously low price (US$149.95). The
support from the people at VIRTUAL REALITY LABORATORIES is excellent.
For people with less memory then VISTA is a great programme with not as
many features for list price US$59.95
I am just a satisfied customer and have no other connection with VRL.