[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AC Tech's Second issue is out...

eb15+@andrew.cmu.edu (Edward D. Berger) (03/29/91)

I picked up the second issue of AC's TECH, last night from one of my
local Amiga Dealers.

It has some interesting articles, but they really hosed up the one on
'UNIX and the Amiga'.  I don't suppose they could get someone a little
more literate on Unix/Amiga stuff to proofread any such future articles...

Its Minix, not Minex folks.  It is not sold as A3000 compatible, yet.
Its not $16 third party source code... (where'd they come up with that?)
(And the line after that is totally unreadable...)

Funny that they mention that memacs is available for unix, instead of
mentioning the full emacs...

They could also use more up to date information on the freely distrib.
amiga software, like the other authors of CShell, or how to spell the
author's name for SKsh.

The article seemed to neglect some of the basic information on UNIX,
like its portability, the efforts to standardize like POSIX....

Was I reading AmigaWhirld???

-Ed Berger