[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Where can I find openlook?

P_TROIA@upr1.upr.clu.edu (03/20/91)

     Somebody mentioned a few days ago a program called 'openlook' or 
somthing similar that replaced the window gadgets on WB 1.3 with nicer 3-D 
looking ones... Could somebody please e-mail me where can I find this 
program (note: it's not the same as 'newlook', found on FF396)?


Paolo V. Troia           | Universidad de Puerto Rico        |   // Amiga
p_troia@upr1.upr.clu.edu | Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez | \X/ o nada!

rick@tmiuv0.uucp (03/29/91)

In article <48229@nigel.ee.udel.edu>, P_TROIA@upr1.upr.clu.edu writes:
>      Somebody mentioned a few days ago a program called 'openlook' or 
> somthing similar that replaced the window gadgets on WB 1.3 with nicer 3-D 
> looking ones... Could somebody please e-mail me where can I find this 
> program (note: it's not the same as 'newlook', found on FF396)?
>      Thanks!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Paolo V. Troia           | Universidad de Puerto Rico        |   // Amiga
> p_troia@upr1.upr.clu.edu | Recinto Universitario de Mayaguez | \X/ o nada!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Uh, it's called "3DLook", methinks, and I know it's on CompuServe's Amiga
User or AmigaTech forum's library.
|[- O] Rick Stevens                                                        |
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|                                                                          |
|   "Everybody has to deviate from the norm...."                           |
|                                  - Rush                                  |
|   "I guess that makes me a deviant!"                                     |
|                                  - Me!                                   |