[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Bodega Bay

wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) (03/24/91)

I have seen the "thing" at the local store. It might be full of extra feature
and nice little gadgets but what an UGLY thing. It looks like something out of
a frankenstein movie. With this thing on, the computer looks bulky and doesnt
have the Sleek edge look. *yuck*
I'd rather go for somthing like the Amiga 1500 expansion. THIS is a sleek 
I/o expander. 


fsadl@acad3.alaska.edu (LOOMIS ANDREW D) (03/25/91)

In article <16062@chaph.usc.edu>, wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) writes...
>I have seen the "thing" at the local store. It might be full of extra feature
>and nice little gadgets but what an UGLY thing. It looks like something out of
>a frankenstein movie. With this thing on, the computer looks bulky and doesnt
>have the Sleek edge look. *yuck*
>I'd rather go for somthing like the Amiga 1500 expansion. THIS is a sleek 
>I/o expander. 
>				Walter

Is tehre an Amiga 1500 expansion?  I haven't heard about one.  Where can i get
the info?
Andrew Loomis

Never have so many owed so much to so few.  -Winston Churchill

He must have been thinking of our liquor bills.  -An unidentified RAF pilot

sysop@tlvx.UUCP (SysOp) (03/30/91)

In article <16062@chaph.usc.edu>, wdao@girtab.usc.edu (Walter Dao) writes:
> I have seen the "thing" at the local store. It might be full of extra feature
> and nice little gadgets but what an UGLY thing. It looks like something out of
> I'd rather go for somthing like the Amiga 1500 expansion. THIS is a sleek 
> I/o expander. 
> 				Walter

Is this available in the US?  (Why do I think it was a European thing?)  The
April '91 .info has a picture of an A500 expansion by Pre'Spect called Avant.
It looks pretty nice (maybe like a larger A1000), and gives you a detachable
keyboard.  Personally, I would resort to any measure to have a detachable
keyboard; luckily, I have an A1000. :-)

(I know this comment should be in .advocacy, but GEESH, is it that hard to
have an A500 with a detachable keyboard?  I mean, I know it's built to be low
cost, but, it seems like it'd be sooo much nicer, even if you left the
internal floppy, side expansion port, and everything just the way it is.
Just have the keyboard pull out.  Hey, it could even snap into place on
the main unit if desired.  :-)  I know someone will say that I don't
understand how much more complicated and expensive it will be to have
such a thing, but if it weren't too much, wouldn't it have a better image?
Also, I seem to remember seeing a detachable keyboard unit for the C-64;
I wish I could remember, but I think it was fairly inexpensive.  I really
hated trying to pull my C-64 closer, and dragging several cables along
with it.  I wouldn't worry about plugging tons of stuff into those side
ports, provided I could push it to the back and pull the keyboard forward.
Of course, I've long since stopped using the C-64, so now that I see the
handy expansion, I don't need it.  But you get the idea. :-)
Gary Wolfe, SYSOP of the Temporal Vortex BBS                        // Amiga!
..uflorida!unf7!tlvx!sysop,   unf7!tlvx!sysop@bikini.cis.ufl.edu  \X/  Yeah!