[comp.sys.amiga.misc] MAC Specs?

ai065@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Thomas Hill) (03/31/91)

   I am going to write a complete spec/price comparison of the Amiga line
versus the MAC line, along with information on AMAX and how it compares to
it's MAC rival. What I need is a list of features on the various MAC models
and prices for the various configurations. Note that this isn't meant to be
what the other user here on UseNet is doing (writing an AMAX information
file). I plan to *try* to inform people on the potential of the Amiga versus
the overpriced MAC line. I'm really interested in saving people from buying
the MAC Classic (I thought only outdated cars were classic? :)) when a much
more powerful computer for less money exists- the 500. Any MAC users who
might be reading this can leave me mail too. I'd be interested in hearing
how you rationalize the MAC Classic's price, or any MAC's for the matter.


PS - So if you have any spec files on the new MAC line sitting around please
Email me it.

       Why purchase a MAC when an Amiga with the same CPU will run 99% of all
    __ MAC software..and FASTER at that?! The same can be said of the IBM and
 __/// Atari computers, and I can run those in a window. IBM's greatest sales 
 \XX/  tool is ignorance on the consumer's part. Only the Amiga! DEVO Anyone?