[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Postscript printing problems

lhotka@incstar.uucp (03/26/91)

I tried using the Lila program last night to generate a postscript output
file from a simple text file.  It worked fine and generated a file that
looked like wonderful postscript.

I then copied the file to an MS-DOS disk using CrossDOS (no filtering or
anything) and brought it to a PC.  From there I copied the file directly to
a postscript printer.

The printer light blinked for a little while and then stopped, nothing
printed at all...

I have done this with Publisher Plus also (it has a postscript >> disk
option) and have had the same results - nothing ever seems to print.

Are all these programs generating postscript code which is incompatable
with Apple LaserWriter II's, PSJet's and NEC LC890's?  I have not yet tried
these files with the HP LaserJet III with an Adobe postscript cartridge,
but I can't see it working there either...

Do I need to use filtering to convert the LF's to CR/LF's before sending
the stuff to the PC?  Does anyone have any ideas at all?

Thanks for any help!!
/ Rockford Lhotka				INCSTAR Corp	       \
| Applications Project Leader			1990 Industrial Blvd   |
| incstar!lhotka@uunet.uu.net         		PO Box 285             |
\ 612/779-1701					Stillwater, MN 55082   /
 -------------Amiga - The computer for the creative mind.--------------

davego@polari.UUCP (dave oliphant) (03/31/91)

Just a thought.  I have recently been using a pd program called post, version
1.5, that will take a post script file and display it on the screen or send
it to a printer.  

Since I didn't have any ps fonts, I have downloaded several from local bbs's
here in the Seattle area.  Apart from some fonts that were corrupt on download,
this program seems to work fine, at least in displaying to the screen.  Don't
have access to a dot matrix printer to test the printing mode.

You mentioned a program called "Lila" in your post which you said would take
an ascii file and output a post script text file.  Would you or somebody please
post a brief description of this program and where it may be obtained, 
fred fish number, internet archieve site, uucp list server or whatever.

Thanks a lot.

davego@polari.UUCP                                   Dave G. Oliphant
"Just where is dave going, anyway?"                  (206) 325-5669
2d ACR - Always Ready! (I'm with you guys)           send the scouts out

bryan@cs.utexas.edu (Bryan Bayerdorffer @ Wit's End) (03/31/91)

In article <3616@polari.UUCP> davego@polari.UUCP (dave oliphant) writes:
=-You mentioned a program called "Lila" in your post which you said would take
=-an ascii file and output a post script text file.  Would you or somebody please
=-post a brief description of this program and where it may be obtained, 
=-fred fish number, internet archieve site, uucp list server or whatever.

	I've tried Lila, and found it inferior to lptops, of which I've placed a
copy at ab20.larc.nasa.gov:/incoming/amiga/lptops.lzh.