[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Post 1.5--How to contact the author!

JKT100@psuvm.psu.edu (JKT) (03/31/91)

>>> I recently acquired Post 1.5 (a PostScript interpreter library) &
>>> CrossDOS.  The problem I encounter is when I attempt to use that font,
>>> I get an error message referring to "eexec" (sorry, I didn't write
>>> down the exact error message, but it's easily reproducable).  I tried
>>> this with a number of fonts that I had converted, and they all seem
>>> to give the same error message.
>>I too have noticed this "eexec" problem, with fonts that work fine
>>on a NeXT.
>>Also, I aquired a file called warbird.PS (I believe it was from
>>ab20.larc.nasa.gov somewhere, look in FILES.Z).  It also works fine
>>on the NeXT, but apparently causes an infinite loop in Post 1.3-1.5.
>>I like this program very much, but am disturbed by these
>>annoying problems with the eexec and the lockup.
>>I hope the author can be made aware of them and fix them.
>There is a BBS in Palo Alto, Calif. Where the author of Post calls into.
>He lives in England, and I'm not sure if he has Usenet access.
>You might also try posting to the PostScript newsgroup for an answer
>to your problem, or at least a forwarding address for the author.

Finding the author's address is easier than you think..... The newest
issue of .info magazine has an article comparing PixelScript and Post 1.5.
At the end it gives the address for the author of Post 1.5:

          Adrian Aylward
          20 Maidstone Road
          Swindon, Wiltshire, UK

Sorry, no e-mail address or phone number was listed.

|| Kurt Tappe   (215) 363-9485  || With.   Without.   And who'll       ||
|| 184 W. Valley Hill Rd.       || deny it's what the fighting's       ||
|| Malvern, PA 19355-2214       || all about?    -  Pink Floyd         ||
||  jkt100@psuvm.psu.edu         --------------------------------------||
||  jkt100@psuvm.bitnet  jkt100%psuvm.bitnet@psuvax1  QLink: KurtTappe ||