[comp.sys.amiga.misc] DNET New Version?

tadguy@abcfd01.larc.nasa.gov (Tad Guy) (04/02/91)

In article <13956@darkstar.ucsc.edu> theacct@.ucsc.edu (El hombre de pelo estranja) writes:
> I'm looking to find out what the newest version of Dnet is.  I have a VERY
> old version that lists ucbvax.berkeley.edu as a dist point for the files,
> but this is long ago and I'm now clueless as to where I can get the newest
> version, or even what the newest version is. Many thanks to help.

The latest that I'm aware of is 2.13 (though it identifies itself as 2.10).
The latest Dillon stuff is available via anonymous ftp from ftp.uu.net
in /amiga-sources/dillon/. 
