[comp.sys.amiga.misc] 9600b send&recieve fax for Amiga too?

amatthews@zodiac.rutgers.edu (04/02/91)

I've been flipping through the latest computer shopper and found myself lusting
over the 9600b send&Recieve Fax/Modems priced between $150-200.  Alas, 
doing the same flip through Amiga world informs me that all I can add to
my Amiga is a 4800b Send Fax only modem for somewhere around $200.  
Not being a techie, I would think that all that is preventing me from
hooking up one of the generic send&recieve fax modems is the lack of
a software interface to run the fax side of things.  Faxing from a computer
has been around for quite a while now in MS-Dos world, and I think I saw
an ad in Mac World for a send&recieve fax modem for that side of computing 
as well.  Wha?  Can it be so hard to write this piece of software
for iga?  So may people busy themselves writing term programs, 
one would think that someone could devote a little energy into writing
a fax interface program, however crude.  Maybe someones heard of something
out in the PD or Shareware?  With the Amiga's graphics, we could sure
put out some pretty neat faxes...

taak9@CCVAX.IASTATE.EDU (Steve Sheldon) (04/02/91)

In article <747.27f7743a@zodiac.rutgers.edu>, amatthews@zodiac.rutgers.edu writes:
>Not being a techie, I would think that all that is preventing me from
>hooking up one of the generic send&recieve fax modems is the lack of
>a software interface to run the fax side of things.  Faxing from a computer
>has been around for quite a while now in MS-Dos world, and I think I saw
>an ad in Mac World for a send&recieve fax modem for that side of computing 
>as well.  Wha?  Can it be so hard to write this piece of software
>for iga?  So may people busy themselves writing term programs, 
>one would think that someone could devote a little energy into writing
>a fax interface program, however crude.  Maybe someones heard of something
>out in the PD or Shareware?  With the Amiga's graphics, we could sure
>put out some pretty neat faxes...

  Aye, I think you're right.  I have a ViVa 24fx modem made by Computer
Peripherals, Inc.  It has a 4800 baud fax send option.  Unfortunately,
the software supplied is IBM only.
  So, is there any software out in the world that might work with this?

  Does anyone even know what sort of data is sent to the modem to make
it work as a fax, so one could write their own software?
